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  • Writer's pictureroxymystic

Chin up Goddess, your crown is falling

I want to showcase this very beautiful nose ring designed by SFU who make awesome jewelry and accessories. The nose ring is called SFU - Royalty Nose Ring. The hud offers 8 metal options for the base and posts then you also get to choose 12 gem colors for the top gem and the small gems. The details on this nose ring is amazing. You will find this at the Planet29 event from April 29 till May 22, 2023. Your ride:

The next item is the crown of course! It also designed by SFU and called SFU - Ice Crown. The hud offers many exciting color and texture options for the crown base, strings, metals and gems. It is quite a masterpiece! You will find this at the SFU mainstore:

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SFU - Six Feet Under

SFU - Royalty Nose Ring.

Available at the Planet29 event from April 29 till May 22, 2023.

SFU - Ice Crown

More information about Six Feet Under:

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Other information, items/accessories in picture:


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